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A Visit to the Fragrant Mount-游览香山,A Visit to the Fragra
更新时间:2024-04-26 15:58:10

A Visit to th Fragrant Mount-游览香山,A Visit to th FragraA Visit to th Fragrant Mount-游览香山 国庆节那天,我和我的朋友们一起去香山游玩。我们一进公园,就被那么多盛开的鲜花惊呆了。我们在石头铺的小路上散步,享受着那迷人的景色。最有趣的事情莫过于爬香山了。我们一边爬,一边欣赏山上灿烂的枫叶。我们爬了一个多小时才到达山顶。我们从山顶往下看,多么漂亮的城市风光啊!高楼大厦,鳞次栉比。汽车在宽阔的马路上行驶。白云朵朵浮在我们头顶。真是快乐的一天呀! A Visit to th Fragrant Mount

A Visit to the Fragrant Mount-游览香山,A Visit to the Fragra

My frinds and I wnt to th Fragrant Mount on National Day. Whn w ntrd th park, w wr surprisd to s so many flowrs. Thy all fully blossomd. W walkd along th ston road, njoying th charming viw. Th most intrsting thing was to climb th Fragrant Mount. W climbd th Mount, and at th sam tim w could njoy th splndid mapl lavs all ovr th Mount. W climbd to th top aftr an hour. W lookd at th city from th top of th Mount. What a bautiful city it was! Thr stood countlss tall buildings. Many cars wr running along wid strts. Whit clouds wr just abov our hads. W rally had a good tim that day. A Visit to th Fragrant Mount-游览香山

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