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水污染-Water Pollution,水污染-Water Pollution范文
更新时间:2024-04-26 01:52:45

水污染-Watr Pollution,水污染-Watr Pollution范文水污染-Watr Pollution 英语作文网整理 Watr pollution is a srious problm now. Hundrs of dad fish can b found on th surfac of Haih baus of srious pollution. Bsids Haih, thr ar som othr rivrs lik this.

水污染-Water Pollution,水污染-Water Pollution范文

W can't liv without watr, so w must kp'th watr lan to protct ourslvs. Our govrnmnt is taking masurs to protct th rivrs against pollution. Popl also raliz th sriousnss of th pollution. vryon bgins to try his bst to fight against watr pollution. 水污染现在是一个很严重的问题。成百上千的死鱼在海河的水面上出现,这是由污染所造成。除了海河,还有一些其它的河流也是如此。

没有水我们不能生存,所以我们必须保持水的洁净,以保护我们自己。我们的政府正采取措施来保护河流免受污染。人们已认识到它的严重性,开始尽力与污染做斗争。 W can't liv without watr, but now many rivrs ar pollutd. Hundrds of dad fish can b found on th surfac of Haih bcaus of srious pollution. It is dangrous to drink such watr.Bsids Haih, thr ar othr rivrs lik this.

Popl com to know th sriousnss of watr pollution. Our govrnmnt is taking masurs to protct th rivrs against pollutions. Popi also try thir bst to protct rivrs and kp thm clan. 没有水我们不能生存,但是现在许多河流被污染。人们发现成百上千的死鱼因为污染飘浮在海河的水面上。喝这种水是很危险的。除了海河,还有其它的河也是这样。

人们慢慢地认识到了水污染的严重性。我们的政府正采取措施保护我们的河流免受污染。人们也全力保护河流,使其保持洁净。 水污染-Watr Pollution 英语作文网整理


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